
Java Junior - Our newest product , where technology enhances traditional way of developing math skills

We re-invented classic math 'tutoring' with our highly effective math 'mentoring', individual focus on your student's development from elementary math to calculus.

Find out how we are uniquelly qualified to help your student accelerate in math learning with a bundle of resources & technology!

Visit us to know more today! You may also speak to parents of our current students, we grew based on results & parent reference.

Tutor Videos

  • Get yourself prepared...

    to your next level of math learning

  • A revolutionary new concept...

    sometimes start with skills as simple as this

  • Our summer program gives a head start into...

    high school math as we help you to learn ahead and stay ahead throughout the school year

  • You will be developing solid math skills..

    while learning java language and creating exciting programs with graphics

Test taking

Test taking in math is an added skill beyond learning math. Many students do not deliver though they learned the concepts well and did enough practice to make that learning solid. Yet getting an A in tests seems harder especially for students doing honors level courses. Avoidable mistakes keep happening that results in not getting the credit they deserve. Our structured practice and repetition of sample quizzes combined with a multitude of problem solving sessions focusing on speed and accuracy have shown remarkable results on our students. You learned it well, you should not lose credit because of avoidable mistakes.

Our learning facility

Visit our math center to experience the state of the art math learning environment! More pictures in the "ABOUT US" section.

Homework Help

We provide homework help 1-1 as needed both at the math center and also over Skype for remote students.

Develop math foundations Gr3-4

Most of our younger students start with us in elementary school level and learn their way up all the way to high school with right level of guidance across the school math curriculum. We are uniquely equipped with assessing the students and adjusting their work based on their ability to progress, while the instructor keeps the learning space as k-12.

A&E Math

Please visit us to discuss our Accelerated Math learning program. We develop capable students to A&E level subject knowledge, reasoning , spatial analysis and problem solving skills. We also emphasis on descriptive math on every concept they study. We provide support to a good number of A&E students currently in the school accelerated programs, and hence we guide our A&E aspirants to work through identical material at our math center.